Tuesday, March 21, 2017


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  1. Yukultji Napangati's painting reminded me a lot of Anoka Faruquee's paintings. She's the director of Painting/Printmaking in graduate studies at Yale. She came and spoke at UF last semester. http://anokafaruqee.com/

    We can only see pieces of hyperobjects at a time. - Occupy a high-dimensional phase space.
    I think it's interesting when Morton mentions the Romantics and Wordsworth when discussing paintings/poetry about nature - referring to the sublime. To me personally, hyperobjects and the sublime are of the same. The sublime covers both awe and fear. "This horrible colossus is not capable of being visualized by humans" (74). Some very interesting writing and metaphor usage. A wonderful kind of visual.
    "The gaps and ruptures are simply the invisible presence of the hyperobject itself" (76).
    "Metonymy is the mereological figure, the figure that deals with parts and wholes and relationships" (78).

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  3. Commentary on PHASING and inTEROBJECTIVITY….

    Phasing is the mathematical means of understanding and pinpointing something, that which is hyper objectivity that is too large and hard to see.

    Morton seems to be introducing a new religion. Historically, morality was measured by Man’s relationship to God. One of the traits of a righteous man would be regarded as a God-fearing man (immense wisdom/he understood who was in charge of the earth and the decisions the he made he would be held accountable for)…Today, it seems the most enlightened individual is measured by his adamants of the recognition of global warming. Global warming affects us. We affect it. There is a relationship, a fear that is created by Nature having the last word. Can we ever appease the environment? Can humans make enough changes to affect this unknowable monster called the ultimate hyperobject so we can finally live in harmony?

    Great Example… http://www.tea-makipaa.eu/10_Commandments_for_the_21st_Century/

    Tea Makipaa

    In chapter 7, Morton introduces “interobjectivity.” Intersubjectivity is what occurs between things. An example of a bamboo forest is used to explain this concept. Interobjectivity is similar to intersubjectivity however it introduces human interaction. I am not sure whether he is saying that hyperobjects require the presence of humans, but he does give an example that interobjectivity (requiring humans) is the footprint is the means by which we can see a larger object. An example of a girl dinosaur was given as a historical moment that we know of through evidence that was left (the fossil). Just as it is impossible to see the dinosaur, we can make speculations to its existence through evidence that we find. He makes this case for global warming. So we can’t see global warming but we can measure it. The most interesting part of this chapter for me was that Morton was creating words for things and relationships that I thought were already defined. I agree with Morton that there is a “force” (different from Star wars Force) that holds the world together. This mesh Morton discusses is accurate because we live in an extremely complex world created by a complex creator. I have no qualms with saying that there is a force that is greater than time and our understanding.

    The gospel of John in the New Testament opens with a discussion on this concept of the “FORCE” that holds the world together. What John and the philosophers recognize is that there is a powerful force that holds the world together. They called it the “Logos,” i.e. The Word. Morton is calling it hyper objectivity (maybe???). John called this concept Jesus. John agreed with its power, but disagreed that it was impersonal, and in fact was knowable and extremely personal.

    ***Questions/Concerns: I may be confused with the understanding of intersubjectivity and interobjectvity, can someone give a practical example in our daily life that pertains to both concepts?

    1. Intersubjectivity is a shared space where human meaning resonates - a small region of a much larger interobjective configuration space. Interobjective is an idea Morton is putting forth that builds upon human intersubjectivity but takes it into the larger realm he is calling OOO or Object-Oriented Ontology. So it is related but goes beyond humans or human-centered thinking.
