Sunday, March 15, 2020

Oblique Strategies

While looking through the kit, I was drawn to Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies deck, which is a set of cards that can be used for an artistic dilemma. I am most interested in how a simple prompt can lead to any number of directions. One can grab a card from the deck and figure out how the text applies to your work and can ignite some sort of inspiration / get you out of a creative block.

I pulled this card:

These can mean whatever you want them to mean- and I'm sure people have various interpretations of what a card means. I appreciate the ambiguity, experimentalism, chance, and playfulness. However, I find there's a loss of control while using these cards. Which for me, can be uncomfortable  especially because I take comfort in the familiar. But I think that's the point of the cards. To get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself, take a step back, and approach your work in a new way.

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