Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Carsten Höller introduces 'Left/Right Slide'

Carsten Höller introduces 'Left/Right Slide' click here and more here   
and more here

1 comment:

  1. For Casten Holler’s work, not only is it an everyday object or familiar object as slide but also it is conceptual and philosophical in the sense that it points out our experience or nature of life. Sometimes a certain experience tends to controls our entire life. This phenomenon is conceived by taking part of the slide experience. According to Holler, you have to let go of yourself and allow the path within the slide to control your movement until you come out. With his work, I see that there are two different types of experience within the exhibition space. One is obtained by the person passing through the slide whereas the other is obtained by the viewer. The spectator sloping through the slide gives another spectator a different interreative experience as they move left and right through the slide.

    Casten Holler’s work also seeks to counter the notion that, the slide is only for children. He argues that the experience of the slide goes beyond age. The slide suggests the concept of transformation and the idea of bringing people from different spaces together. His slide also contributes to Nicolas Bourriaud’s theory relational aesthetic since the spectator then conceives the aesthetics of the work as they experience the function of it within the exhibition space or the object relates to their everyday culture. It also contributes to the artistic works; the slide, the bird nests and the swing in the gallery contribute to the artistic practice of institutional critique for example the work of Bruce Nauman. It suggests how the exhibition space changes the context of what we experience outside the gallery or experience without the context of art.
