Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Video here


  1. I am interested in his concept just as he also thinks like Thomas Hirschhorn. Oliver Herrings also defends his work as art not just a party. I like how he allows everyone to show their creativity with the immediate materials they find within the space being an artist or not. Many forms of art were displayed; performance, installation painting and so on. The work then become collaborative with the spectators but since he holds the concept over the project, he owns the work as referred to Sol Lewit’s Paragraph of Conceptual Art where he states that “the idea becomes the machine that makes the work” and this idea comes from the artist.

  2. Yes although Herring isn't the same as Hirschhorn (I don't think) in his idea that he is the sole author of the work (ultimately responsible) like Hirschhorn. Task parties, at least, are more fluid and open than Hirschhorn's projects and involves the voices and directions of many different people. Oliver is careful about how the events are prepared for (like a good party) but once they begin they are only successful if the participants make it so.
