Friday, November 15, 2019

Stewart talks about the human body in pieces/parts instead of a whole. When I think about the grotesque body, I think about the body parts that got covered up because of social pressure. What is categorized as inside and outside of a body? Things that society believes should remain hidden because these parts suppose to be private. This leads me to think about the act of pixelating images and how this process can end up combining the body with what was meant to be covered. The following are some images from some cartoons that got blurred due to inappropriate content for children. The original idea was to stop kids from seeing inappropriate things that they are too young for, such as smoking and drinking. However, with the blur being put on the images, these “bad habits” became part of the human body and looked even worse.


   In this sense, this can relate to the idea of trickster mentioned in this chapter as well. I think meme are a good example of trickster in our everyday life.




                     These are memes for one of the president candidate in Taiwan.

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