Thursday, November 14, 2019

The “grotesque body”, and “the trickster”, violate cultural norms.  They both can be animal and human at the same time.  The grotesque has a “corresponding sense of interchange and disorder”.  Stewart also says that the trickster is “a violator of cultural taboos”.  I feel like she is saying that both “grotesque body”, and “the trickster” are necessary for cultural balance.  For example when she said, “Trickster unleashes the Mississippi, allowing it to flood the land, and thereby makes agriculture possible.”  When Stewart says about the grotesque, "antithesis of the body as functional tool or the body as still life."  I get the same feeling of necessity.

When I think of the “grotesque body” as a functioning tool, I think of medical applications.  The show bodies come to mind.  This is a show that preserves human bodies in order to dissect them for study, and display.

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