Thursday, November 12, 2020


Flusser Response

This author makes a valuable distinction between photographs and objects. Both about the importance and unimportance of each. Flusser deems photographs to only hold information on the surface rather than in the body as objects do. Though if the photographs content hold something of historical significance, of an object that no longer exist, they become important objects as they hold the only essence that object has left. I also am interested in the explanation of an apparatus. This device being a machine that elaborates information. The author refers to an apparatus as a machine that calculates probabilities. He compares this to when human creates and is filled with experiences. These experiences equal intuition when man can predict possibilities. Though this author describes that an apparatus can do this better thus leading to a loss of information for man kind. 

    An artist I believe relates to this writing is Dunne and Raby who use objects or "apparatus's" to bring about thought provoking work. Then the artists uses photography to document these objects.

Dunne & Raby | Domaine de Boisbuchet 

Thomas Demand Response

Demand uses photography to create an alternate reality. A reality that reveals the traces of humanity without showing people creating it. His work is fake and meticulous. Constructed worlds that are loaded with meaningful commentary on events or historical situations. In one photograph, the artist takes Jackson Pollocks studio and omits Pollock himself, his wife and any from of art associated with the artist. This author states that the piece portrays a chapel of sorts “sanctified by light.” This artist utilizes the thought provoking spaces and specifically draws his art from those sections or areas. 

    An artist I believe relates to this writing is Do Ho Suh's installations where he perfectly recreates the internal structure of various rooms and buildings. I believe that taking the essence of a space brings the emotions and memories of that space.

 do ho suh victoria miro gallery 


  1. Good. Speculative design is about design communicating future ideas (something science fictions tries to do). Demand and Suh are about memories or mediating the past. When they meditate on the past though - they creates new images and objects that have a simplified or distilled vision of the past.

  2. Mariko Mori and Kenji Yanobe are two other artists that (like Do Ho Suh) seem to blend visions of the past or responses to the past with futuristic visions of utopia and distopia.
