Thursday, September 5, 2019


Thinking big and small: Tools for teaching and understanding the importance of scale.
View Powers of Ten here
View Scale is the New Geography here
Learn More here
We hear about scale every day, whether it be supertankers, stars burning thousands of lightyears away, the study of microscopic viruses, or global warming. Understanding scale, or as the Eameses said, “the effect of adding another zero,”  has the power to make us better scholars and better citizens.
Charles and Ray’s documentary, Powers of Ten—one of most famous short films ever made—has been seen as an exemplar for teaching and understanding the importance of scale for nearly four decades. Now you can explore these ideas with your class, company, or family in tandem with Scale is the New Geography, a companion film to Powers of Ten by Charles’s grandson, Eames Demetrios. Learn more about the films and watch them below.

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