Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prompt 2

Although not an everyday type of space, some of the most fascinating spaces to me are the turn of the 20th century Broadway theaters.  The "New Amsterdam" theater, built in 1903, is like walking back into a time forgotten.  Its like walking inside a big piece of sculpture, architecture, and painting all in one.  For a lot of people this space might be a bit much, but for me its like walking into a warm hug.  My work is in a completely different style, but still inspired by spaces like these.  I'm attracted to the ornamentation, and the sheer majesty of the space.  The pavilions I have been working on lately are designed to be majestic with their share of ornamentation.  I'm sure that I am not alone in feeling nostalgic inside dream like spaces.  These theater spaces were created to bring people together for an entire, all encompassing experience.  When having the opportunity to see a show in one of these types of theaters, maybe, just for a short amount of time, you can leave the real world, travel back in time, and through the space, and performance, defy the rules of nostalgia.

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