Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I want to begin by quoting Susan Stewart, “Nostalgia, like any other form of narrative is always ideological: the past it seeks has never existed except as narrative, and hence, always absent, that past continually threatens to reproduce itself as a felt lack”(Susan). I think that narrative is the mediated process through which a story or concept is articulated especially, a nostalgic experience. Narrative has become a familiar terms in an artistic practice since all concepts emanate from various experiences, be it political, social or nostalgia, which then also becomes a communicative process. According to Susan (1993) “The personal experience story is most impersonal in its generic conventions and may be compared to the novel in its continuing involvement with and transformation of previous performances of its genre.” (Susan Stewart) It’s very fascinating why Susan mentions that nostalgia in terms of its narrative does not have to relate to an individual person. It is supposed to connect with other people. 

Here, there is also the use of the signifier, signified and the sign where the narrator of the story or the artist who produced the art is require to use certain components s that would d contribute to the reader’s conception. In this case, the experience is your but again not yours. The narrative is then expected to  be experience shared equally with the readers by using the conventional genre. 

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