Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Stay Puft

Prompt 1
Carnivals and parades use imagery that are larger than life.  Many times 2 to 50 adults are inside of one puppet to make it move in real ways.  They represent not the past or the future but often another time.  Companies use these experiences to their selling advantage by adopting the iconography of gigantic images to sell their products.  On Longing uses the Jolly Green Giant and Mr. Clean as an example.

I keep thinking of how Dr. Raymond Stantz from Ghostbusters tried to imagine something non-threatening to be their opponent in the end of the first movie, but what came out was the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man the size of a building.  Dan Aykroyd himself came up with the fictional character.  Though turned evil, it seems very believable that it a giant Marshmallow man would be the icon for an actual brand.  It reminds us of the Michelin Man, Kool-Aid Man, or the Pillsbury Doughboy.  It was conjured from a natural instinct of how the gigantic is traditionally used in our society.

Prompt 2
I saw all two hours of the Homecoming parade this year on University Ave.  I even saw the UF marching band twice because they passed me and then I ran past them and then they passed me again.  A major thought that I kept having was how much sound plays into a parade.  You hear things like a siren, a loud engine, or music from a distance and the sound gets louder until it’s so loud you’re tempted to cover your ears.  When the thing is in front of you, you can feel it in your body; the drums of the band beat on your chest, the Daytona racecar’s engine shakes and awakes you, the sirens let you know the parade has started, bands on floats driving by are only able to perform partial songs before they’re gone.  I think 50 percent of the enjoyment comes from the sound.

You can’t have a parade for nothing.  There is always a hype behind it.  It can be improvisational, as in planned a couple days before, but everyone at the parade will still understand what they are celebrating.  It could be a high school team winning a state championship, or celebrating an annual local holiday, but everyone there is on-board with what is being celebrated.  This is necessary for something like a city-wide exhibition.  You just need to get people excited about the event.

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