Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Prompt 1

I am very interested by the representation of "play" in this chapter. Play is discussed but in reference to giants at play, it has a terrifying connotation.  Here is an interesting quote from this chapter, page 73

In one Germanic legend, a giant girl comes down from the mountains
into a valley. Here she sees a plowman at work in a field. She
puts the peasant, the oxen, and the plow in her apron and takes them
home as toys. When she shows these playthings to her parents, they
are displeased and tell her she must take them back, "for these men
are not playthings for giants, but belong to that race of people who

will some day do great harm to giants."l0

The idea of giants playing is has a terrifying feel, but the concept of play and large monumental sculpture can have a completely different feel. It can invoke play and exploration 

Image result for perez art museum miami outdoor sculpture

Jesus Soto

My work has yet to successfully incorporate a sense of play. Maybe play exists within the opportunity for people to play and explore the body using my surgical training models, that could be a rich avenue for me to explore bringing those objects to a wider audience to allow the viewer an opportunity to explore and become more familiar what the materialty of the body. 

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