Friday, October 18, 2019

Prompt 1. Carefully define "hyperobject." Offer a few examples hyperobjects not mentioned in the reading and specifically describe a hyperobject that relates to your own work/research.

A hyper object is an object that you cannot touch Is is an object that is dependent on forces of nature and relevant on elements factors outside of our human control. 

 Marc Quin Self Portrait 
Saharan Desert Dust

Prompt 2. Timothy Morton describes himself as being engaged in ooo or object oriented ontology. Define this term. Describe its possible relationships/applications to sculpture. 

Object Oriented Ontology--

Takes issue with thoughts and being

Object Oriented Ontology is the questioning of our own understanding of the existence in relationship to those objects around us. What is the difference? What is the gap? Do objects outside of us experience a different existence? This is incredibly relevant to us as sculptors because we are constantly evaluating and investigating the meaning of objects. Essentially as sculptors--we are intervening with those objects and their destiny as sculptors. 

OOO is about acknowledging and exploring the “private lives” of objects around us. 

 “unified realities—physical or otherwise—that cannot be reduced either downwards to their pieces or upwards to their effects.”
 Graham Harman (philosophy professor at AU) 

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