Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prompt 2

Nicholas Korody says, “Morton participates in object-oriented ontology (OOO), a popular movement in contemporary philosophy characterized by a rejection of anthropocentrism (the privileging of the human over the nonhuman), and ‘correlationism’, the post-Kantian assumption that reality is a product of human thinking.”  Well, this is speaking my language.  As a matter of fact, I’m going to have a shirt made with OOO on it.

This idea of object-oriented ontology could very much change the way we view sculpture, and especially architecture, which to me are both from the same fabric.  If OOO is anti-anthropocentrism, then humans are no longer top priority.  So, how is that going to change the way we design architecture, and sculpture when we have to consider all of the other living creatures it will affect?  We would have to choose mediums that would not impact the environment in a harmful way.  We would have to choose sites that would not affect wildlife habitats.  We would have to be mindful of everything we design, and construct in order to protect the planet, and all of its inhabitance. 

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