Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Prompt 2

Prompt 2:

Scale is something that I often consider in my work.
It seems that I am either working on a miniature scale or a large scale. I do not often explore a middle area. There seems to be an interesting relationship between the large scale pieces and the smaller scale. It often seems that the larger pieces evoke associations with architecture, confrontational experiences, immersion, and full body participation. Whereas my smaller pieces, pieces where I have created miniatures toros or even moquettes for larger pieces take on a different understanding and sensibility. These pieces are often seen as objects to be manipulated whether that be through surgical procedures, drawing, or just play.

Here are some images of an artistic who's work is incredibly impacted by its confrontational and monumental scale. The work of Magdalena Abakanowicz

Image result for magdalena abakanowicz sculpture small

Magdalena Abakanowicz

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