Prompt 1.

Mel Chin-- "All Over the Place"

Richmond, VA All Saints Theater
Prompt 2.
Carnivals and Parades--
Carnival associations--- larger area of space, more participatory, longer lasting,
Parades-- occupying the streets, taking over the "river of the city", ephemeral, if you are witnessing the parade it, each moment passes you by, temporal quality of a parade.
Regarding being a vehicle for art-- it can often be overwhelming, might be overload of visual information. Is not really conducive to creating an intimate experience of art making.
This idea of an "inverted parade" is almost a middle ground between a carnival and a parade. The people become the river, the audience as the river. I really like this idea of a parade as form, intersecting parades, parades in conversation
Interesting how the parade can produce very different and often polarized responses. Some feel like an outsider while others feel completely engaged. What does this mean?
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