Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prompt 1

Hyperobjects are temporal objects of massive scale distributed in time and space.  Global warming, and the ecological disaster it perpetuates is a perfect example.  In the reading Temporal Undulation, the author uses the Everglades as an example for a hyperobject.  

The hyperobject that is present in my new body of work is religion, and the role it plays in the destruction of our planet.  Many religions teach that everything on our planet is here for the use of man, animals, resources, etc.  They also teach that the after life is more important than mans current existence on earth.  Both of these ideas are very dangerous, and destructive to the ecology, and the desire to preserve our planet, especially when religious humans are the majority.  In my work, I want to expose religion for the destructive hyperobject that it is.

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